Monday, May 31, 2010

Revenge is a desire of the narrow mind

It all started when I was in the fifth grade and moved to a new school.When these two girls came up to me the first day when I was in school and started asking who I was ,to be friends.I told them all about myself and agreed to be friends. We turned out pretty good friends in the beginning,but after sometime we became bitter enemies because of some incidents.We started our act of friendship when we first helped each other on a homework assignment,which went very well and moved on by other assignments and fun activities with everyone,it was a pretty good time back then.

But when I went to the sixth grade all the friction,commotion,chaos and revenge started,I became very bitter and harsh and showed no mercy or forgiveness.The situations changed those girls told me ,they pretended to be my friends and didn't like me which made me angry and broken that they lied and cheated me and what I gave them was my loyalty and they pay me like this , in such a bad way.It was like a glass was broken and a spoon was used and thrown in the bin for no reason. They had many fights with me and ignored me,but still I stayed loyal with my friendship.Then one day they made me so angry by telling someone else to tell me they were pretending,for a moment I thought it was true because they were pretending and the first time they started a fight I could possibly imagine anything from them while they were my friends and what they did now. They had made me so lonely,unhappy ,scared from them,made me uncertain of my strength,power and feelings and made me believe never to trust someone in my remaining life which was a good point at some extinct.Then I made the decision to take revenge,to fight for my justice and to do the right thing.

When I started taking my revenge,it made me happy,joyed and overwhelmed. I started taking my revenge by destroying there projects and beating them up and made them pay in my rain of revenge.I showed this by beating up the girl who made my life miserable until blood came from her nose and she cried ,everyone one of them ran away because they got scared. This incident had also made a negative thinker because I did work on my own without any body's help which made me happy and satisfied.So I walked on and passed my time on my own with no one which was better for me and everyone else in those days.

In those times, it was the best hobby I could think of .

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Battle Of The Hastings

The game is mainly about all the battles that happened in 1066 and in this you can play anyone you like.Which is like we have to pick a team ,a battle and a level to play this.Then you have to fight with the other team depends on who you get and you always have to know your team,in order to control it and win the battle.I enjoyed the battles that I was fighting the most and also the facts in the way ,they were telling them.The things that I learned while playing this game were that Ifound the battle in a little bit of detail and learned how to play tactic games.At the battle of hastings first the Normans were unable to pierce through the massed rank of the English infantry.For six hours until late afternoon the English seemed like they were going to win.But the Normans charged again and again,but they couldn't break through he Saxon shield wall and had to go back down hill again.Then the Saxons made their fatal mistake.Later afternoon some of harold's men broke their shield wall to chase the Normans,who thought they were retreating.This was their biggest mistake because no sooner had the Normans reached the bottom of the hill,they turned round to cut the English to bits.The Norman cavalry rode among the English,hacking them down.Finally,Willam brought in his archers and Harold's luck ran out.The arrows didn't break the Saxon line,but if the Bayeux Tapestry is to be believed,one of the arrows hit Harold in the eye.The battle lasted for 6 hours.The battle took place at the Senlac Hill and the reasons why Willam won the battle were that William's army had time to rest before the battle.While Harold Godwinson's army were tired,unprepared because of the battle of Stamford that day and had to march 50 miles a day to reach and fight in the battle of hastings,Williams army had well trained solidiers where as Harold did not and Williams army pretended to flee.Many of Harold' s men broke their shield wall to chase after them.But as they did Williams army turned back and slaughtered them.This type of game is a valueable learning experience because we also learn history and have fun at the same time.